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Orlando Foreclosure Attorney

Orlando, Florida 32801

Foreclosure Attorney Michael Stites

- We Help Stop Home Foreclosure and Remove Debt Liability-

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Take Advantage of Free HUD Approved Foreclosure Prevention Counselors

HUD approved housing counselors offer a free service to help you work with your lender so you can stay in your home.

You should be able to provide everything in the two binders you organized from the article 8 ways to prevent foreclosure. This includes:

You will want to have this information on hand prior to your appointment with your housing counselor. They usually will take about an hour to go over all your financial information.

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is a government office that provides insurance for mortgage lenders and certifies nonprofit housing counselors. You should be able to talk to one of these counselors for free. Not only are they highly knowledgeable with the most current government foreclosure prevention programs but they can negotiate with your lender for you. They can help you set up a loan forbearance, create repayment plan, and even modify your current home loan.

HUD approved counselors work for free because they are paid through grants funded by the government and private parties.

Government directory for locating a housing counselor in your state:

A nonprofit government chartered directory for Foreclosure Counselors:

If you want to talk to somebody on the phone about locating a foreclosure counselor:

HOPE Mortgage Crisis Hotline at Telephone: 1-888-388-4673


There are no real drawbacks to housing counselors, however because the service is free they are used frequently. With so many homes currently going through foreclosure many housing counselors are overwhelmed with work. It may take a strong effort to even get a hold of one but they should eventually return your calls. Be persistent. Another disadvantage is they are unable to defend you in court if your home is actually in foreclosure. There are some strategies that they can use to delay the foreclosure action but counselors cannot defend it. You still can use a HUD approved counselor to help you with a loan modification while retaining an attorney to defend your case in court.

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HUD Approved Housing Counselor Overview

What your HUD Counselor will Need From You

Locate a HUD Certified Counselor

Drawbacks to HUD Counselors

Foreclosure: A Quick Outline

We break down foreclosure procedures into simple to understand terms. Begin here to learn basic steps in foreclosure and what you might be able to do to stop it.

How to Respond to a Foreclosure Summons

Here is how to respond if you get served a foreclosure summons. (What happens when a foreclosure lawsuit is filed against you)

Can I Defend Against a Foreclosure Without a Lawyer?

Find out why the average homeowner generally does not have the resources available to defend against foreclosure without an attorney.

Determine If Your Home Foreclosure is Eligible to be Defended

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Created by Attorney Michael Stites & contributing editor Jared Speck

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Consults are free, even if you are asking general foreclosure questions.

Relax. Phone consultations are always free. It can’t hurt to talk.

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